PRoundedCorners(short cCornerStyle);
0 for first corner style in upper row of dialog boxMaking rounded corners. Unlike the toolbox, which includes two rectangle tools, there is only one command to draw rectangles, the PBox command. The PRoundedCorners command rounds the corners of any PageMaker rectangle.
1 for center corner style in upper row of dialog box
2 for third corner style in upper row of dialog box
3 for first corner style in lower row of dialog box
4 for center corner style in lower row of dialog box
5 for third corner style in lower row of dialog box
Text tool, story editor, or no box. If either the text tool or story editor is active, or no PageMaker boxes are selected, the specified corner shape be comes the default setting for the publication.
Example. The following example draws a rectangle with slightly curved corners.
long x = twips("1i");
PBox(2 * x, 3 * x, 7 * x, 10 * x);
Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Element > Rounded Corners
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